Step into Someone Else's Shoes


Could you even begin to imagine, what it’s like to lose your sight?
To be stripped of colorful vision, to be denied the joy of light?
To never see your lover’s gaze, from a ways, across the room,
To wonder what that noise is, when all you can do is assume?
To never see a sunset, or sunrise, or shooting star,
To not be able to see things shrink, the things seen from afar?
To never really know the sky, or what they call a mountain,
To never see a waterfall, or the dancing of a fountain?
To hear the loud noise and smell the smoke of what seems to fill the sky,
And to be told it’s only fireworks, they’re amazing…you wonder why.
To never see old photographs, of memories captured in stills,
To need to trust completely, in those who pays your bills.
So the next time you think life’s being unfair, step into someone else’s shoes,
And take a look at the life you have, all you have yet to lose.
If nothing else, appreciate, the gifts that you are blessed with,
‘Cause the phrase “things couldn’t be worse” is all a great big myth.