Where there's Hope there's Life


Precious life, is filled with diversity,
Rocky roads, and moments of stability.
It offers laughs, as equal as tears,
Some from joys, others from fears.

It teaches you lessons, sometimes the hard way,
But always pay attention, it happens every day.
You may think life’s unfair, when your down and can‘t cope,
But life keeps on giving, never give up hope.

Because even the bad things, happen for a reason,
So come out stronger, adapt to the new season.
Life’s ever changing, it’s how we grow and blossom.
So get rid of regret, all negative thoughts just toss ‘em.

Clear your mind, and make every day count,
Cherish the quality of life, don’t look at the amount.
Recall all life’s blessings, and take nothing for granted,
It’s the impression you’ll leave, the seeds that you’ve planted.

The experiences in the past, will guide you for tomorrow,
And your dreams for tomorrow, will dissolve all past’s sorrow.
Coz where there’s hope there’s life, it’s important not to forget,
So make the best of every day, and live life with no regret.